Resurs-P No3 Satellite

Resurs-P space system with Resurs-P No1 satellite is designed for high-resolution, detailed wide-swath and hyperspectral optronic imaging of the Earth surface and data downlinking to ground stations for imagery reception, processing and storage on demand of the wide range of customers, such as Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (Minselkhos), Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography (Roseestr), Hydrometeorology Department of Russia (Rosgidromet), Fishery Department of Russia (Rosribolovsvo).

Resurs-P space system is as well meant for development of international collaboration of Russia in the sphere of environmental monitoring and protection and resolving other pressing tasks of the remote sensing of the Earth.

Accuracy of gridded imagery taken by optronic H/W with nadir viewing geometry without control points is 10-15m maximum in WGS-84 coordinate system.

Imaging modes:

- target imaging;

- ground-strip imaging;

- stereoscopic imaging of ground strips up to 115km;

- imaging of 100km x 300km ground areas.

Flight tests of Resurs-P No1 space system were successfully completed.

Commissioning of Resurs-P space system with Resurs-P No1 satellite took place October 1, 2013.


Resurs-P No3 Satellite

Operating orbit – near-circular sun-synchronous with average altitude of 470 - 483 km

High-resolution imaging:

ground resolution, m:

- in panchromatic mode


- in five narrow spectral ranges


swath in nadir, km


target areas captured, km x km

100 х 300

ground-strips captured during stereoscopic imaging, km


Hyper-spectral imaging:

number of spectral ranges

minimum 96

ground resolution, m


swath, km


Wide-swath scanning:

ground resolution, m:

- in panchromatic range

12; 60

- in six narrow spectral ranges

23.8; 120

swath, km

97; 441

Orbital life, years


Number of

In-House Satellites Launched




