VOSKHOD Launch Vehicle
Трехступенчатая ракета-носитель «Восход» разработана ОКБ-1 и ЦСКБ-Прогресс на базе 1-й и 2-й ступеней межконтинентальной баллистической ракеты Р-7А и блока 3-й ступени ракеты-носителя «Молния».
"Voskhod" three-stage launch vehicle was developed by OKB-1 and "TsSKB-Progress" on the base of the 1-st and the 2-nd stages of "R7-A" intercontinental ballistic missile and the 3-rd stage unit of "Molniya" launch vehicle. The first launch of "Voskhod" launch vehicle was performed on November 16, 1963.
During the launch vehicle operation "Voskhod" piloted three-man spacecraft, "Voskhod-2" two-man spacecraft with cosmonaut Leonov’s first extravehicular activity and "Zenit-4"-type automatic spacecraft were injected into orbit.